Yes, love can happen in greasy & messy places too!

Contrary to what you may be thinking, Chiamaka found herself in a situation where her desires played out right in front of her eyes after she saw Shola packed in a Mechanic workshop where she had visited to get her car fixed.

According to Chiamaka’s narrative:

On a certain day, I drove into a mechanic workshop and my eyes fell on this handsome young man but honestly, I wasn’t keen on meeting him because my life then was basically about my studies. But then, I was low-key beginning to look at the possibilities because I was done with my studies. In my mind, I was wishing he was Igbo so it can be a whole lot easier to connect.

My car was parked at the workshop entrance right behind the handsome young man, he walked up to me and offered to move the car and I had thought he meant mine so I responded ” you want to drive my car?” It felt a bit awkward but we laughed it off.

The mechanic guy stepped in to ease the already tensed air by acting the matchmaker “he’s Nigerian too” he said and I asked for his tribe and he said he’s Yoruba.

After he was done, he drove off and I kept watching him drive away through my side mirror and at some point, I noticed him and reversed back. He walked up straight to me and asked for my number.

I pretended to hesitate a bit before giving it to him, usually just to act nice, I’d give a guy my number and block him before he gets the opportunity to place his first call. But for some reason, I didn’t do it this time.

We got talking and I got to know him as Shola, the conversation was good but at some point, I just stopped talking to him until one day, he sent me a photo to inform me he was in my neighbourhood for some errands. We both were in the medical field and ran similar clinical rotations at the same hospital.

When I saw him on the white coat, I was like “okay, let’s start talking to this guy again” he looked nice wearing the coat.

He secretly requested to be in the same unit as I was just so he could see me more often. We got closer and closer and now, we are inseparable.

    6 thoughts on ““We Met At A Mechanic Workshop, I Kept Watching Him From My Side Mirror, Wishing He’s an Igbo” -Lady”

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