There are different types of prostitutes or s3x workers, however, it seems they have been categorized as one and the same. After thorough research, it has been discovered that there are six types of s3x workers or prostitutes and they perform different or the same services.

In a book titled, “Legalizing Prostitution”, the sociologist Ronald Weitzer identified the six most common types of prostitutes and where they often work. The research was done in various countries where prostitution was seen as an illegal business.

The Independent Call Girl Or Escort

According to the research, independent escorts often works for themselves in hotels and private buildings like houses. They really charge high prices and don’t have the luxury to be seen or taken notice of by public eyes. They are not shy about advertising their services online and would often describe their profile and add pictures or videos of themselves.

Escort Agency Employee

They are not different from independent call girls, employees of escort agencies work in private locations or hotels and charge relatively high prices. In Weitzer research, these employees face moderate or little exploitation since they have to give a cut of their earnings to their agencies.

Brothel Employee

Brothels are dedicated locations where people pay for s3x and can include a steam bath or hot tub and massage parlours. The prices they charge are moderate and brothel workers endure moderate exploitation since they have to give part of their earnings to the brothel owners. Depending on your country or location, the services may differ, but it is still the same business or work.

Window S3x Worker

This type of prostitution is prevalent in Amsterdam, enticing passersby to enter houses of prostitution by prominently displaying the women in windows. In Weitzer’s book, s3x workers under this fashion earn low to moderate wages while working. Almost all of Amsterdam’s window rooms are single occupancy, separating workers from each other.

Some rooms are connected to a bathroom and kitchen shared by several workers, but the women spend most of their time by themselves in front of the windows. The best part about this work is that workers can enjoy a party atmosphere and regular social contact with other providers, staff, and customers.

Bar or Casino S3x Worker

These s3x workers make initial contact with men at a bar or casino and then have s3x at a separate location. Customers would have to pay for everything, including the lady’s expenses. The women earn low-to-moderate salaries.

Streetwalker S3x Worker

Streetwalkers earn relatively little money and are vulnerable to exploitation. They are those we often see by road sides trying to win clients. They enjoy less job satisfaction and get paid less since they are on their own and anything could happen to them while offering a service.

Weitzer indicated that during his research, streetwalkers or street s3x workers are often victims to murder or face prosecution.

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