Blood Pressure is the force of blood pushing against the blood vessel walls. High Blood Pressure, also called hypertension, means that the pressure in your arteries is above the normal range. It is considered severe when blood pressure shoots above 180 90. When this happens it can lead to heart diseases, kidney disease, stroke and others.


In most cases, no one knows the exact causes of high blood pressure. In some time past, it was an illness for the aged but in recent times teenagers and the youth are also diagnosed with it. The factors that can cause high blood pressure are age, family history, gender and race. Nevertheless, regular exercises and diet can help control it. Diets that are rich in potassium, fibre, magnesium and are low in sodium can help control hypertension. In this article, we will discuss 5 of those foods.



Banana contains plenty of potassium that plays a vital role in managing hypertension. One can aim to consume about 10 medium- sized bananas daily. Other than bananas, other potassium- rich foods include avocado, tomatoes, tuna, beans, mushrooms and sweet potatoes.



Watermelon contains an amino acid called citrulline which can help manage hypertension. This is because, Citrulline contained in watermelon produces a gas that relaxes blood vessels known as nitric oxide. Relaxation of the blood vessels plays

a significant role in supporting the flow of blood.

Leafy green vegetables

Leafy green vegetables are undoubtedly part of the food that one should consume to control their blood pressure without resorting to medication. Leafy green vegetables are rich in nitrates. According to studies, consuming 1 to 2 serving of nitrate- rich vegetables every day can reduce hypertension for up to 24 hours. Leafy greens include cabbage, lettuce, kale, spinach, fennel amongst others.



Cinnamon has become one of the most used spices because of its numerous health benefits, of which high blood pressure is inclusive. Constantly consuming cinnamon has positive effects on reducing diastolic blood pressure. Cinnamon can be eaten raw and used in preparing food and pastries.


Fermented food

Fermented food is rich in probiotics which have a positive effect in modestly reducing blood pressure. Some fermented foods you can add to your diets include natural yoghurt and apple cider vinegar. One should take serious note that individuals suffering from hypertension must avoid and stay well away from alcohol, caffeine and salt. These are known to spike blood pressure through the roof.

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