Ways to lower high blood pressure naturally, quickly – How to reduce high blood pressure can be done naturally and quickly without having to take drugs.By lowering blood pressure, the body will avoid various chronic diseases caused by hypertension.For people with hypertension, the way to reduce high blood pressure is to adopt a healthy lifestyle and eat the right food and drink.There’s absolutely no need to take drugs all you have to do is follow me delegently.Here, are ways on how to reduce high blood pressure naturally and quickly.


1. Consumption of garlic;
Research have found that garlic supplements has a significant impact on lowering blood pressure in people with hypertension.
Even consuming raw garlic has a similar effect to the hypertension drug antenolol.
The active compounds in garlic can thin the blood and control excess sodium.
How to consume garlic as a natural high blood pressure medicine is as follows:
1. Cut and slice two cloves if garlic
2. Soak the garlic in warm water
3. Leave for a few hours and drink slowly
2.Drink young coconut water:
Coconut water is one of the most effective high blood-lowering drinks, this is thanks to the content of 600 mg of potassium or potassium in every 240 ml of coconut water.This is why, coconut water can reduce systolic pressure by 71%, and diastolic pressure by 29. Choose young coconut water and drink it regularly for minimum results.


3. Eat bananas:
Banana contain almost no sodium or salt, whichsoever is dangerous for people with hypertension.
In contract, bananas contain potassium around 450 mg which is nutritious for excreting sodium through urine.
The more potassium you consume , the more sodium is wasted, so blood pressure decreases.
Instead choose Ambon banana as a food to lower blood pressure quickly. 4. Reduce stress: Stress is a trigger for hight blood pressure which is often not realized by many people, especially at a young age . Because when stressed, the body will produce the same hormone adrenaline which can increase heart rate and blood pressure.


That is why, people with hypertension are highly recommended to reduce stress as a way of lowering blood pressure naturally.
Some activities that can reduce stress are as follows;
1. Listening to music
2. Watch comedy movies
3. Play with pets
4. Relaxing massage
5. Go for a walk
6. Confide
5. Limit salt intake:
It’s no secret that the main cause of high blood pressure is excessive salt or sodium intake.
Therefore, reducing the consumption of salty food is a way of reducing high blood pressure quickly and naturally.
In addition to salty foods, there are several high blood taboos that people with hypertension should avoid, namely; Salted fish, picked fruit and vegetable, Canned food, Fast food, Sweet food, Proccesed meat, Frozen food.


6. Regular exercise:
Exercise is the best way to reduce high blood pressure which is highly recommended for people with hypertension. Because exercise can make the arteries remain elastic, so that blood flow returns to normal and blood pressure decreases.
No need for strenuous exercise, light exercise, light exercise as long as it is done regularly in proving to provide maximum results.
Some example of exercise for high blood pressure are;
1. Walk
2. Jogging
3. Bicycle
4. Swimming
5. Dance
7. Quite smoking and drinking alcohol:
Finally how to lower high blood pressure is to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
The content of nicotine and harmful substance in cigarettes, causes contrictions in vessels that leads to hypertension.

So does alcohol, which can exacerbate the rise in blood pressure and even reduce the effectiveness of high blood pressure medications.
That’s how to reduce high blood pressure quickly and naturally for people with hypertension.
Good luck !
Source: http://static.phxfeeds.com/meshare

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