Rejection is an unavoidable aspect of our existence as humans. Our rejection has come to an end, yet there is something very important about the ‘End’ of it. Our rejection always comes to a close with the word ‘Victory.’

Failure to refuse will result in failure to achieve triumph. Rejection serves as a stepping stone to your triumph. Each and every man and woman want to come out on top in a battle. The only thing that matters most is victory.

The devil is primarily interested in irritating a man who is trying to build a successful business. The level of rejection indicates how successful you will be in the end. Rejection is analogous to a sluggish individual who is constantly harassed by others because he is sluggish and unable to defend himself. However, there will come a day when that lazy guy will get up and declare, “Enough is enough.” That is the definition of winning. As a result, rejection prepares you for the success you haven’t yet witnessed.

Every human being deserved to be loved in the same way that we were all made in the image and likeness of our Creator. Every human being has a distinct personality, and if you give each one of them a chance, you will understand how special they are to you.

Jono Lancaster is raising awareness  for Genes Day by wearing jeans. Jono Lancaster was born with a condition known as “Treacher Collins Syndrome.” The fact that he was born without cheekbones and with hearing difficulties was due to this uncommon genetic disease, which is thought to affect around one in 10,000 newborns.

It  is said that his parent’s abandonment of him at the hospital occurred only a few hours after his birth. It was a patient at the hospital who took the rejected boy into his house and raised him until he was of legal age to be adopted. In her story, she described how he was rejected by his parents and then abandoned in a hospital because, among other things, he was considered to be “too ugly.” Although it is said that blood is thicker than water, the young kid went in search of his parents a second time and was turned down for a second time.

To God be the glory, the stone that had been rejected was transformed into the primary cornerstone. He has now established himself as a successful motivational speaker. He began doing some television work and has now established his own charitable foundation. ‘Love Me, Love My Face’ was created with the assistance of Jeans for Genes.

Every child is a blessings, no matter how the child is.

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